Like most of us, I know too many people whose lives have been touched by cancer. That’s why I’ve joined with the American Cancer Society to help save lives by participating in a Relay For Life event.
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life program is about so much more than just walking around a track overnight. At Relay for Life events, we celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, remember those who are no longer with us, and fight back against this disease that takes so much from so many.
I will be participating on June 9, 2013 and would appreciate your support with an online donation toward my fundraising goal. In addition to funding lifesaving research, every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society provide services to cancer patients in need, like providing rides to treatment for those who don’t have transportation of their own.
Thank you so much for your support. Together, we are saving lives from cancer and creating a world with more birthdays!
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